6Play Band Page has Moved... Please like us on the new one

Published: Sun, 06/24/12

In my recent newsletter I announced the formation of our new band 6Play, and gave you a link to the Facebook page. However, due to advice from our management, the page had to change to change the URL to one more 'findable'. The new FB band page is ...
The old page will be deleted probably today. Please consider 'liking' us at the new page. I've uploaded some music we have in our set list, and have announced our first Nashville gig (Hint... Mon Sept 17th at 6pm, venue is 3rd and Lindsley!)
NOTE: it is still my pleasure to be the wind under YOUR wings...
I am indeed enjoying singing again, but as we get this band going I fully intend to share information that will be useful in YOUR music career .. things that work and don't work for the voice, the marketing and promotion of music and insights that may keep you from making mistakes.  Last time I was 'out there' as an artist, it was a very different environment in the music biz. Things have of course radically changed. I feel I will not only have a blast doing it again but also become even more useful to others as I experience and share the journey with you. Be sure and read/subscribe to my "All Things Vocal" blog for this ongoing information.
You can also follow the band at twitter.com//JudyRodman6Play, and the website is coming soon.
Thank you again for subscribing to this newsletter.My intention is that it always make your world better somehow.