Bioremediation Solution for The Oil Spill Catastrophe

Published: Wed, 06/16/10


A Solution For The Oil Spill Catastrophe: You Can Help!

Please excuse me while I do something totally unusual for me to do publically... rant! BUT... this is actually in keeping with my promise to deliver "All Things Vocal". I'm going to be very vocal here in a pro-active rant that you may wish to join.

A man I personally know and trust, Michael Elley, the CEO of "Ultimate Earth, Inc", has been keeping me informed about  what looks to be the very best fix for this oil spill nightmare.
Organic non-toxic bioremediation is the answer. Seeing our nation's coast with clean white beaches, healthy seabirds and other sea life, fish, marshes and ocean-dependent cultures of people, fishermen and businesses will be our greatest reward if we can make the call to get this done.

What am I talking about?

Non-toxic all natural bioremediation "eats oil" and then goes inert!!  This substance has been proven, and is totally biodegradable.  And...there is plenty of product to solve the problem!
Non-toxic all natural bioremediation also enhances the growth of PHYTOPLANKTON which can help restore natural ecological balance, and quite possibly, the re-population of the zone. Non-toxic all natural bioremedation can also be applied to any and all "DEAD ZONES" in the ocean, either present or anticipated.
Here is a video you can watch with a lot more information about this solution.

So what's the problem?

BP, politics, maybe journalistic non-integrity (I told you this was going to be a rant).
This company has been pushing the ball uphill all the way, with grassroots help. I think that's usually the way really important things get done, after all. They have gotten all the way to almost the top now... and maybe we can help push it over the edge into action.

What is needed for the next step?

It is my understanding that the only delay is waiting for a test bed somewhere in the Gulf to demonstrate this product, then they are ready to go.

So what can you do?

Contact anyone in a position to make a decision or who has access to a decision maker and tell them about the fact that this remedy exists, and that this organization has already received approval of this product's effectiveness from the US Department of Defense. If they don't know about it, send them to the video. Demand that this company be given a "TEST BED" upon which to validate the product's effectiveness beyond a doubt! Put them in contact with Michael Elley at  615.364.6363
This is a call to action!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  We must save our wildlife, our marine life and our beaches... It's way past time...If you can help, DO IT NOW- and let me know!

Judy Rodman